Hi! My name is Rod I am a first-year student taking a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. I live in Taguihon, Baclayon, Bohol, Philippines. Right now, I made this activity for you to get to know me and my background as a student and a person outside the university.
I think this is one of the best guiding principles that apply to my everyday life. I believe I have the power to alter things around me and create them into something even greater. I believe we have the power, we just need time, effort, determination, perseverance to earn it.
“Power comes from within.” Since I haven't made any academic strides, all I can do is be thankful for where I am right now. After all, my parents are still proud of me for graduating from high school and continuing on to college. I am different from other people because I am a direct person, and I think this is why my friends have stuck with me up to this point since I can say anything right away and, like other people, make jokes about individuals without being offensive. Also, getting into a college is one of the greatest achievements I’ve ever made so far and I hope that I can make it through this semester, and also the rest of the year.
I actually have so many dreams in life to be an archeologist, economist, journalist, statistician, a teacher. Yet I do not have the ability to be everything I want, but I choose to become a computer engineer someday. I know that I have a few disadvantages about myself. I know that over time, with the help of my mentors, friends, and family, together with the experiences I learned from them I might reach my goals and dreams someday in God’s greatest timing.